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Answering FAQs About Breathing Air Compressors

April 20, 2022

We rely upon breathing air compressors to enable SCUBA and SCBA endeavors, as well as supplying firefighters with clean air. According to Compressed Air Services, a high-pressure breathing air compressor is both versatile and complex. It will take ambient air through multiple stages of compression, ultimately ensuring a consistent air pressure of up to 6,000 PSI. This complexity leaves many of us with questions about how breathing air compressors work. That's why we're delving into some of the frequently asked questions you may have before using a breathing air compressor. The more you know, the easier it will be for you to use a breathing air compressor when the time comes.

Can I Breathe Air from an Air Compressor?

It's understandable if you feel nervous about using a breathing air compressor at first. Nobody wants to take risks with the air that they breathe, after all. Essentially, compressed air is used in situations in which the risk of breathing ambient air is high. Therefore, half or full-face respirators must be used. However, compressed air should not be breathed in directly after compression. Rather, the working individual should use a multistage breathing air filter in order to breathe the air safely.

Why Do We Use Air Compressors?

As previously stated, air compression is utilized when the ambient air is too risky to breathe. The factors that can make compressed air necessary include unsafe levels of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, as well as airborne contamination (like vehicle exhaust fumes, for example).

How Can We Ensure that the Air We're Breathing is Safe?

There are many steps you can take to ensure that you and your employees are breathing safe air. In order to ensure that you're aware of the air quality you're working with from the start, you should conduct regular air quality tests. Typically, it's advised that the air quality of potentially hazardous environments should be tested at least every three months. At that point, those involved can make risk assessments and proceed accordingly.

Is Compressed Air Toxic?

No, compressed air is not toxic. However, it should only be used under carefully monitored conditions, and under the advisement of experts in the field. Don't assume that your employees know how to use compressed air without proper training.

Make sure that you're using air compressors correctly. Get in touch with the experts at Firehouse systems, today! We offer an extensive catalog of fire-fighting equipment to keep you safe on the job. Call today or visit our website for more information.

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